Pamariya: An untold Story

Book Reviewer:- Osama Hasan
Name of Book:- Pamariya
Writer: Dr. Aiyub Rayeen
Publication:- Heritage Publication

On the occasion of Munshi Premchand birth anneversary on 31st July 2015, a book named "Pamariya" has been released by the chief guest Dr. Aijaz Ali(a surgeon  and former Parliamentarian). An edited book published by Heritage publication. Editor of this book is Dr. Aiyub Raiyeen-is well known writer, activist and popular for his work on Pasmanda muslims also known as Dalit Musalman. He himself belongs to a pasmanda muslim family. Very humble and dawn to earth in nature,  Dr Ayub Rayeen is laborious and dedicated towards his work.
 Started a journal- " Journal of social reality" in 2009  to sensitize the issues of Pasmanda muslims. Through his journal he shows the pathetic condition of dalit muslims in India .His research articles on nine different  obscure castes of muslims published as book titled -" Bharat Ke Dalit Musalman" in 2013.
Pamaria is his second book on Pasmanda muslim. As editor he claimed in preface of the book that this book is first of its kind. This is the first book written ever on single pasmanda muslim caste- Pamaria.There are twelve different articles of  eleven different writers.Articles of this book are touches almost all aspects of Pamaria community. The first and  the last article is written by the editor- Dr. Aiyub Rayeen . The first article -" Pamariya" is long article and deals with the origin of Pamaria caste and their socio-economic condition.His research article tells that for data collection Dr Aiyub Rayeen moved almost all the places of Bihar where pamaria resides and try to show real picture- socio- economic condition of the caste. 
The Pamaria are a muslim community found in the state of Bihar. Pamaria are said to be muslims converted from Parmar rajput clan. They are also said to be associated with Sakib Clan of Saudi Arabia. That is why they use of Abbasi(Abul Aasbin Abbas from Sakib Clan of Madina used to play Rabab and Daf occasionally.)title in his/her name. Tracing their lineage from famous respected historical family shows sanskritisation in muslims too.The Pamaria are found mainly in the districts of Madhubani, Darbhanga, Samastipur, Begusarai and Muzaffarpur. Their occupation remains singing and dancing, with the Pamaria visiting households at special occasions such as weddings and births. They are also employed to singing folk songs by villagers. Their important songs are the badhaiya, sohar, nachari and samdaun. Each Pamaria family are allocated a particular area by the community. It is also said during mughals they worked as spy. 
Due to abrupt change in culture and tradition after LPG ( Liberalisation, Privatisation and Globalisation) now Pamariyas are leaving their traditional occupation and working as wage labourer. Only few people of this community are educated and a few of them are in government job. Dr. Noor Hasan Azad is prominent and well known leader of the community.

 "Pamaria Ka Samajshastriya Adhyayan" written by Dr Bhaktinath Jha, shows the social condition of the community. "Pamariya: Jivan awam Yatharth" a well construed article written by Dr. Mozir Ahmad Azad, deals with every aspects- dress, dance, song and their real condition. "Pamariyon Ka Arthik Kriyakalap" written by Dr. Rajeev Kumar focuses on their occupation and economic condition. "Pamariyon ke Nach" writen by Dr Praphulla Kumar singh focus on dances of Pamariya. These  are other important articles of the book.The last chapter of this book- "Pamaria Ke Geet" too written by Dr aiyub Rayeen. This article centered on different types of songs of Pamariya.
Even after 70 years of independence a community called Pamariya is totally marginalised and due to lack of proper planning of government, condition of this caste is deteriorating day by day. This caste is question mark on the working of  present and previous governments of India worked with  the agenda of Growth with Social Justice and Equality"poverty eradication" " inclusive growth" and "sabka sath sabka vikas".
Pamariya is still waiting for a government who can bring back their dignity and can popularize their dance and song( art) in international areana.  
In short we can say this book is worth reading for the compleate undestanding of Pamariya caste and equally useful for those who are working for pasmanda muslim in general and Pamariya in special. This book is also important for music and dance student.
Adderss of editor- Moh- Mirzapur,(Sakmapool), Po_ Lalbagh, Darbhanga- 846004., Mob-9934068072.


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